1 ~ Nothing's as it Seems
>> 12/20/09
At long last a post, this is the new story line so I am hoping that it will roll off where no one will necessarily have to go back and read DE the first book. REALLY hoping so because things might seem a little confusing. 80) This will be the last for about a month to a month and a half so I can play Florence Nightingale, LOL! ENJOY
Warnings: Extreme Language and Several Screaming Cats running from the bag.
Bayview Marcel House Against his usual discretion Jayden headed for the bar, reaching for the one bottle he knew would inebriate him, Carter’s private stash of PBA. Created by the gods so they could enter the soul realm and search out loved ones or those they needed to speak with. One that somehow managed to end up on earth with its varied properties. A highly sought drug to all forms of life.
Finding the bottle of Probitas Verum Agnitio, he pulled it out and poured a full glass of the foul smelling blue liquid.
Glancing with disgust upon the glowing fluid he thought of its many other properties, depending on how it was administered PBA reacted differently. With a simple incantation, it would work as a truth serum as he’d watched Carter do on many occasions to extract information from his enemies. A small smile forming on his face as he thought of how many times he himself had offered it to one of his night conquests, a mortal imbibing the stuff would find themselves hornier than a three dicked dog.
Then there was the effect he was searching for, being an immortal for him to drink the shit he would find himself experiencing the horror and pain of the soul realm. A fact he’d found of many years before when he had tried to use it with one of Trysten's friends; needless to say that night hadn’t gone as planned and ever since he avoided it like the plague.Yet tonight he was desperate, filled with an intense need to find answers to the whereabouts of his charge, her safety; he only hoped that he could make a connection with her soul energy while he was there. The soul realm wasn’t just for the departed; it was the gateway to the realms. Where one could generally find anyone, they sought and since he had no idea as to where Trysten had taken her, he could only pray it would work.
Still his reasons weren’t entirely selfless in his determination to suffer through the horrid nauseating and trippy sensations of the soul world. He wanted to know how he’d managed to drain Carter's soul energy. A trait he’d always thought was reserved for the gods, with the exception of a few elder Lupusnox’s and ancient Nightwalkers.
Lupusnox Females…Curling his lip in disgust at the thought of the trainers of the Daywalkers, the rare and unreachable goddesses of magic he gingerly raised the glass. How he wished he could get his hands on one in particular, but that would mean she would have to present herself in corporeal form.
To think you were so close…Yeah he had been close to that one, but she’d found him unsatisfactory, at least that is what he’d believed. Perhaps he’d been wrong all these years, and yet… what she’d done still hurt, he’d thought her a friend worthy of his trust. Closing his eyes, he pushed the memories aside, returned his thoughts to the task. He had to find Lydie, needed her safe within his arms. Wanted with an unparalleled need to feel her lips against his, taste her kiss.
She’s gone, Lydie had been taken…
The words that rang through his mind were a sore reminder to reality; he’d failed to save her. It burned and ached to think of it. Hesitantly he brought the glass to his mouth, closed his eyes in wary anticipation, and tilted.“Jayden…”
Barely had his lips touched the cool rim of the glass when the room shifted and took on a hazy smoke like quality, energy vibrated the air in an unearthly manner, racked his body with electrical shocks. The sound of Lydie's pained and frightened voice echoed through his mind, stabbed him with lethal precision in the heart.Involuntarily he took a step back wanting to believe it had all been a sick part of his imagination.
But it was no trick of his thoughts, the moment he closed his eyes he gazed about a blurred room.
“I don’t wish to sleep…”He swayed from the clarity of her voice, the scent of her all around him, “Lyd, where are you?” he cried out in desperation as he felt her strength slipping away. “Hold on sweetings, I’m here! I am going to find you,” but it was too late.
Whatever connection they shared had severed, leaving him once again hollow, and aching. Although he couldn’t place, a definitive finger on which pained him more, the fact she’d gone again, or that he’d used an endearment only one other had heard in his eight hundred years of eternal life.
Slamming the glass down he stormed towards her room, one thing fueling him. If only he surrounded himself with her presence then perhaps he could again make connection with her.
“Jay,” Carter's tension filled voice stopped him before he had the chance to reach for the handle. Swallowing his guilt, he turned to face his benefactor, a fissure of fear sliding icily down his spine as he wondered if the master nightwalker had come to end his life.
In truth, he expected it; no one threatened these all powerful, bloodthirsty demons and lived to tell about it, least of all a paige. Still he braced, prepared to fight his oldest and dearest friend; the only father he’d ever known. He had to protect Lydie no matter the cost, wanted with every ounce of his soul to see her again, to finally tell her of his affections. “Yes Carter?” his voice was calm despite the turmoil that raged within him.
He watched emotionless, as doubt flashed in Carter’s eyes and Lyd’s father hesitated, “come with me to the sitting room Jay,” with that he turned and walked away.
A sense of foreboding flooded his thoughts as he tentatively followed the elder, confused as to why Carter hadn’t just spoken to him in the hall.
Carter stood pensive as he entered, his discomfort obvious and his emotions barely contained, “What did you want Carter?” He tried to maintain an unassuming and relaxed tone but his own emotions and rage still came through.
“You need to meet with the Lupusnox goddess in Veilwater. She can help you bring my daughter back.” Carter wasted no time in jumping into his conversation undoubtedly wanting to spend as little time in Trysten's favored room as possible. The sadness and fear that coated the elders words registering and doing little to dispel the wary anticipation that knotted Jayden’s stomach.
“If it’s that particular Dusk dog then you need to go yourself…” It came out with no effort, he already suspected who Carter meant, and there was absolutely no way he would ever set eyes on the traitorous witch again, not after what she had done.
A moment of tense silence passed between them, him standing there with his arms folded stubbornly glaring as Carter sat pensively in the chair, his hands visibly shaking as he rested them on the smooth cloth, telling that he had been as surprised at the sudden display of power earlier that evening. A power Jayden had never known he possessed, the sight of the normally reserved and powerful man so distraught almost enough to make him feel pity towards Lydie’s father. Until a dangerous flash entered Carter’s eyes as he focused on him.
Jayden watched in wary anticipation as Carter leaned forward, pinned him with a daring gaze. “I didn’t know of Trysten's life state, or else I never would have been with her.” Carter quietly stated, his voice tense, rendering Jayden silent, despite the boiling rage in his blood. Anger he knew he had to keep under control while his benefactor explained.
Sinking back into the chair the elder scowled and folded his arms across his chest.“I can only help so much. I had hoped that I could speak with you both, but with Lydie having been taken I have to rely upon you to convey this message to her.” there was an fragile uncertainty to his tone, Carter's voice cracking under the pressure of an intense sorrow. Pain and sadness that only served to cement his concerns with what was truly happening with Carter and Lydie, that he’d been unknowingly involved in something bigger than he’d previously known.
Briefly he considered entering Carter’s psyche but with his current frame of mind, he decided it was best to avoid doing such. Stood there in thoughtful silence, running each incident to date through his mind as he watched and waited for the other man to speak. After what seemed an eternity of silence, he couldn’t take the ongoing silence, “Carter I don’t follow what you’re saying, we’re going to find her and then you can tell her yourself.” Something wasn’t right and each passing moment increased his discomfort with Carter’s reasoning behind this conversation.
Carter rose, sending a chill up his spine the moment his friend pinned him with dark chocolate eyes and sighed. “Lydie isn’t a daywalker nor is she a nightwalker; it is why Arianne wants her; why Armand is after her. She holds the power to destroy us all and I suspect you do as well.”
If his heart still beat, it would have stopped at Carter’s statement. His assumptions about Lydie were correct she wasn’t just a regular half-breed; she was something entirely different, something powerful enough for both Arianne and Armand to want her. “What is she?” he couldn’t resist asking although he didn’t truly want confirmation, but Carter knew more than he’d informed him of and he felt it pertinent that he knew just what he was dealing with.
“I don’t quite know. she is something entirely different, I suppose a nymph but I can’t be sure.”
“A nymph? How the hell could she be a nymph don’t you have to be the daughter of a god to be such?” The shadowed look in Carter's eyes unnerved him, before the man even opened his mouth to speak the realization dawned upon him. “Holy shit!”
“Arianne is my mother and Armand is my father…” Carter's face was filled with pain, discontent and disgust. “At sunset tomorrow I am to return to the Cimmerian, per Arianne’s orders. It is why I need for you to stay with her.”
All this time and he’d never known the psychotic bitch, goddess was the mother of his benefactor. His head was swimming, “You’re a fucking god!” it wasn’t a question it was a breathless accusation, “and not just any but a dark blooded god who knocked up a day walker and…” his knee’s felt weak and his brain felt full, “and you changed me…”
Jayden didn’t know whether to laugh, cry or rage, at this particular moment he was stunned, dazed and even that didn’t seem to fit. “Yes, although I had not been aware of Trysten's deception nor had I realized my own error when I changed you.”
Error? He didn’t understand what Carter had meant in stating that it was an error, “what do you mean error?”
Carter’s face fell as the nightwalker, god lowered his eyes, nervously smoothed his lapel, “your blood tasted different and I suspect you are of a celestial line although which I am not sure. Certainly not a daywalker, I would have known when I first found you in the alley and you would not have survived.” He paused long enough to gaze sadly upon him, the look in his chocolate eyes disconcerting to Jayden. “I need for you to protect Lydie, love and cherish her just as I would.”
It was too much to comprehend, so much happening and now he was seriously screwed, whether or not he wanted to he was, or more aptly had been chosen as her protector. Rage kicked in then, so powerful he was unable to stop it, whatever the hell he was Carter had known something all these years, knew he had been different and had never once told him, not to mention expected him to protect Lydie, hid from him the truth of her.
Protect her, but how?
“God damn! Carter how the fuck am I supposed protect your half goddess daughter from those crazy ass mother fuckers you call parents?” His voice wavered infuriating him all the more. “FUCK!” he screamed at the top of his lungs the glass in the windows rattling from the force.Adding to the tension Carter sighed heavily tried to place his hand on Jayden’s quivering shoulder a gesture he stepped away from watching as the elders hand dropped listlessly to his side, hurt evident in his eyes. “It’s one of the reasons you need to go and see her, I suspect she will be able to tell you just what you are and give you the tools necessary to protect Lydie when she returns from Altoriah.”
Now that was a place he knew, the realm of light a cursed place in his opinion. “So you know where Lydie is?” he didn’t bother to hide the venom in his voice or pretend that he gave a damn.Carter ignored the accusation in his tone and continued, his face crestfallen. “It is the most logical place, the home of the Daywalkers, where they are taken when they are injured to heal and I believe that Trysten brought her there to protect her from Armand and Arianne as well as myself.”
Glaring at his long time benefactor Jayden felt his resolve slipping away, he didn’t want to admit it but Carter was right the dusk dog was the only one that could help him. The one which he had avoided these last six hundred ten years because of her role in Alaine’s and his child’s death. The one who had deceived him and stolen from him the light of the day. “Why do I have to see her why couldn’t it be another?” he ground out hesitantly.
“Because Kareina is the strongest of her breed, the eldest and most wise.” Carter's voice though dull was matter of fact, as if the answer were simple as black and white.“Yeah and a conniving backstabbing bitch to boot,” he growled under his breath. His mind twisting towards thoughts of Alaine with her sun colored locks and sky blue eyes, the only light he’d held in his life after one hundred and ninety years of life, the only to accept him for what he was and not turn away from him.
“She didn’t kill Alaine Jayden, I took her life when I found of her being a daywalker, it was either myself or Armand who had also found of her existence and ordered it.”Jayden’s vision hazed with red as he bared his fangs on the one he’d once respected, the look upon the Carter’s face disconcerting. Could he truly trust him now? He wasn’t sure even if he said he’d killed her was it possible that she still lived like Trysten had. It was all too much…
“You took her from me?” He bellowed pain shredding his heart as he forced himself to accept she really was gone. “You killed my wife and child because she was a supposed daywalker!” insidious rage flowed through his entire body, blinded him and stole his rational. “Why didn’t you tell me of Armand’s so called order, give me the opportunity to take her away?”
“I had to or else Armand would have killed not only her, but you.”Carter had taken from him everything that had meant anything, deceived him but before he could say such the elder spoke once more. “This has haunted me all these years because I was the reason behind your pain. That I had to withhold this from you.” Carter's statement was filled with genuine emotion yet Jayden didn’t care all he could think of was how he’d been so deceived all these years.
“You had best have a better reason than that Carter,” he quietly snarled wanting to tear the elder’s heart out with his bare hands.Carter sucked in a sharp intake of breath that echoed through the room, drew Jayden’s irate attention. “Kareina told me that you were destined for another, one with infinite power, but she never told me it would be my own…”
Chosen for another, Carter had known for six hundred years that Alaine had not been his to keep and the one that was behind all of this was…
“Your fucking daughter!” Jayden bellowed the thought of Lydie being related to Carter suddenly filling him with disgust. Because of her, his master had taken the life of his wife and child, taken from him the only joy he’d known.
Until now…But that was a thought he couldn’t allow.“Fuck you Carter, I am glad that you return to the pits of hell for surely I want to send you there myself!” He snarled cutting Carter off as he turned and stormed from the room before he killed the elder with his shaking hands.
His wild and hot gaze landing upon the tall broad figure of a Lycan. “Perfect” he growled quickening his steps until he reached the hapless creature and pummeled his body into him, both of them flying backwards to land on the golden hardwood floor that rattled the entire house.
“Jayden stop!” Carter hollered from behind them as he slammed Manning’s head into the floor with so much force the windows rattled within the panes.
“You fucking prick, you’ve got really bad timing, something I should have expected from a lower life form as yourself.” He snarled pounding his fist into the man’s face with a satisfying thud of flesh against flesh.
“Jayden! He is here to help you!” Carter cried out reaching for him and pulling him away binding him so that he could not move.
“He fucking wants to kill her you stupid fuck,” he ground out using the only part of his anatomy that he could move, his mouth.
“No he doesn’t…” there was a warning note to Carter's voice, another hidden secret that he was about to receive an answer too. Raking his hand through his hair, Carter gazed sadly upon him, “Manning has been working for me all these years. I sent him to Armand three hundred years ago. The only Lupusnox to infiltrate Armand’s barriers,” there was an undeniable and serious note to Carter's words, enough that it silenced Jayden.
“He’s going with you to Kareina to ensure you don’t try and get yourself killed…”
~ To Be Continued ~
Enjoy Everyone and Sorry for some of the not quite matching screens. I have been in and out of the game so many times over the past few days that I finally gave up.
And Finally Thanks Drew and Lachesis for your help with the difficult areas of this! I appreciate it Much...
So this begins the new story...
Ooooh, great start! So much information right off the bat can be a difficult thing to pull off, but I think you did quite well here. It wasn't at all confusing, and the flow was wonderful! :D
Although, I must ask... what exactly are daywalkers and nightwalkers? Did you make them up, or are they some sort of mythical creatures that I really should have heard of before reading DE, but never did for some reason? Heheheh...
Hopefully all goes well with everything. I'm not usually the praying type, but I will be praying for your family, Cherie.
Beautiful shots, your sets are wonderfully decorated. And Chevelle! Love those guys, great music choice~
Now, this piece plunges a person right into your new world, Jayden's frustration and anger is palatable and understandable, everything he believed in, believed about himself, has just been shattered.
These guys are not just vampires, oh no, and the ramifications of this discovery will be a thrill to watch unfold.
And to find that Carter killed his wife and child, must have been a slam to the gut, Actually I am surprised Jayden did not rip him wide open at this revelation.
Then to have Manning walk in, sent him right off the cliff.
Yes! Manning is like an undercover agent, Alright!!
And can't wait for them to go see the 'dusk dog/lupusnox Kareina, LOL! Will Jayden's opinion of her change, now that he knows she did not kill his wife and child after all?
A lot to process, but after looking at creature descriptions, the world you have weaved here is amazing.
And I could not help but feel sorry for Carter here, his pain, in admitting what he did to Jayden.
And just what IS Lydie? Powerful enough to destroy them all? Whoa.
Wonderful update! Loved the writing as well, great job mate!
Yes I made them up they are my own creation, you can find more information on them and the other mythical creatures etc... At the Bios and more blog link at top or
http://atrumeyeseternuscreatura.blogspot.com/ Go to this site. 80) it will explain what A NW and DW and Lupusnox are. 80)
Thanks I am sure everything will work out for the best. 80) and me either on the praying thing. But this last year has needed it. 80)
Glad that I did well... I had to kick start the new story line and since Jays changing 80) Well he needed more back ground 80)...
off and Running! Drew will respond in a bit. 80)
First, you're most welcome. Nicely done. You answered enough questions to make the new questions that much more intriguing. Ah, and the conflict of loving the woman that was the reason your wife and child were killed is enough to drive a normal, sane person over the edge, let alone Jayden. :) The unfolding of your new world will be most interesting to watch.
I love that house but am going to have to build another few lots especially now that everyone will be on the move. Well with the exception of Carter. LOL! I am sure we will see him a bit down the road.
I liked that song, must thank the little bro again. He recommended it based on the new story LOL!
Yes a major slam to find out his closest friend was actually the one to kill his first love... And I toyed with it but no Jay had to much on his plate to think rationally let alone irrationally LOL!
LOL! Undercover Lupusnox male for hire, LOL! actually there is another little twist there. LOL! few more chapters away. 80)
Havent quite decided if I am going to do a Lyd chapter or Ari or perhaps just go straight into Kareina, LOL! the dusk dog. And good question will his views change now that he knows the truth. Who knows... There is still some background there that I would like to try and explore. 80)
Lydie is Lydie! LOL! her story too will unfold and a few answers that only the mysterious man in Altoriah can provide... LOL!
Carter is really torn up he's always looked upon Jay as a son loved him so having done this has weighed on him heavily. I think maybe he was hoping Jay would send him to hell. LOL!
Thank you so very much, I am so glad this is flowing well and that my world is coming together! and glad the creature explanations help!!!
Thank you again so much for all your help in getting this whole new story together. HUGS 80)
Thanks Lachesis,
For all the assistance provided in getting this together and the help with this particular chapter, you and drew both!
Yeah that's gotta be a mind screw to be in love with the reason behind your wifes death. 80) I guess I dont do drama anything less than LOL! Yeah somehow I dont think that Jay was ever sane to begin with LOL! probably why Carter is still walking, LOL!
Thanks so much for the wonderful compliment!
Wow. I knew Jay was going to get hit with the truth about Lydie but this was brutal. And to get it like that, cold and practical. As if it meant nothing to Jay at all. How horrible!
and then to hold out some hope that Alaine might still be alive, in some way alive...that's almost worse.
Poor Manning coming in right at that moment, he was lucky to get out of there alive, and if Carter hadn't intervened, I doubt he would.
You use some really unusual angles in your shots. The very clear, almost white light is extremely striking too. Very very good choice!
Looking forward to more! Who is going to keep who alive though? Jay keeping Manning alive or the other way around?
Thanks SB!
Alot of the pictures came out really dark so I had to play with them in photoshop and lighten. Which ended up making them a little too bright. 80) And some of the poses I used didnt look quite right so I had to take different angles, but I thought it worked a little better. 80) Glad you enjoyed them 80)!
Manning and Jay are going to be a combustable pair to be certain. At least for the time being... Maybe someday they will get over their mutual hatred for the other. 80) LOL! and LOL! exactly who's going to keep who alive... LOL!
Thanks for noticing that, Jay held up pretty well with all the S*** being thrown at him until he saw Manning... Which just pushed him over the edge 80) but manny would have made it out alive, he's got some super natural abilities. Another case of mistaken identity, he's a Lupusnox only thing that can kill him is silver to the heart. 80)
Thank you very, very much!! I am glad that there was an emotional value to this, I wanted this to be I suppose a dark, midst of the storm piece. 80) I just wish Carter's sadness and guilt came through a bit more, 80)
Alaine... Alot of twists there... Should be explained eventually 80)
Thanks again for reading I am glad that you enjoyed 80)
Holy Hell! My brain is still hurting from all the drama and knowledge.
That was fantastic! I'm almost giddy for the next chapter!
Boy, is Jayden pissed or what? Finding out all of that must make him want to kill the next person he meets. Watch out Manning! lol
Hey AOD!
Sorry your brain is hurting 80D
Be a short time for the next one got a bit going on in RL right now but I am hoping it will be just as worthwhile. 80)
Yeah Jay is really pissed right now and Poor Manning LOL! We'll see if he can control his urges long enough to avoid murdering some poor hapless creature. 80)
It would seem that there were far too many deceptions and agendas happening and Jay and Lydie got caught in the middle of it. I won't say innocent bystanders because at this point they are far from that...
To hear how and why Jay's family was killed and then to feel all that guilt and uncertainty is terrible.
I can't wait to find out what comes next although I will try to be patient.
LOL! thanks Gayl,
Yeah alot of deception and it only took me these past uh... 6 months to figure out the actual true direction I wanted LOL!
Jay and Lyd arent innocent bystandards, everything is about to go to hell in a handbasket... LOL!
Carter has a heart under it all but in the end he has a duty to uphold to the NW... I am still wondering myself LOL! why he did it... But yes there is guilt and Jay is really the poor creature stuck in the middle of the deception.
I am working on editing the next couple of chapters now so I might still have one more... No Promises, LOL!
Sorry it took me so long to get here! I just kept forgetting! :D
And what an interesting beginning...things are kind of topsy turvy right now with Carter and Jayden, that was so sad hearing all the things he's kept from him, like having your mentor turn on you all of a sudden.
Poor Jay...that's so sad about his wife and child!
And wow, lots of shockers in this one! Carter is a god? Now that's a surprise! :D
It's quite alright, LOL! I think I am still way behind on a couple updates myself and RL. 80) Thanks for Reading!!!
Yes in essence his mentor did turn on him, things that he didnt think he would ever have to bring up, IE Alaine, I didnt convey Carter's guilt quite enough. 80)
LOL! new start new direction with DE yep Carter is a god, the son of Ari and Arm... Poor Carter LoL!
Again thank you for reading I am glad it came out well. 80)
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